VOIP Termination
No need to go through a lengthy process of signing agreements and dealing with other paperwork (as with major carriers which normally takes about 2-3 months). All you need to do is to send us an application and make an initial prepayment (minimum 1000 USD).
ITS Canada maintains termination agreements with major carriers among which are MCI (standard and premium circuits), Ibasis and Primus. Due to long term partnership and large purchasing volumes ITS Canada obtains the best terms and conditions from the above mentioned carriers. Considering that it is quite troublesome for new or existing operators get connected directly to world’s largest carriers ITS Canada offers to operators an access to send calls to such carriers through ITS Canada’s platform at the original carrier rates with no markup. ITS Canada’s profit will be constituted from rebates and discounts received from carriers. (Please note that this offer is only available to businesses or individuals that already have their own VoIP equipment and use their own IVR, billing and retail account management systems).
- Access to MCI (premium and standard services)
- Access to Ibasis (premium and standard services)
- Access to Primus (premium and standard services)
- VoIP Interconnection (SIP or H.323 protocols and most codecs are supported)
- Low initial prepayment of minimum 1000 USD (The services are provided only on prepaid basis). All the billing and invoicing is made in USD.
- No minimum monthly sales requirements
For more details please email: info@its-canada.net